Unity tutorial 5

From what I have learnt from the unity tutorials this week is how to manipulate the lighting and the skybox around the game environment. I know now how the the lighting effects work on game objects such as trees and how to adjust the color of the game world to extreme color pallets. I would like to mess around with these color pallets to make weird and abstract looking game worlds.

 I also learned how to code and pickup and in game object from a tree (axe) and how to integrate and place the object into the tree using c-sharp. The tutorials also showed how to put a light source onto a character model. I learned how to put houses and change the color of the house and fade in and out transitions, This was so the game would fade in and out when starting or ending the play session. From these tutorials I have mainly learned and improved on how to use lighting and coding in c-sharp, this will be useful when it comes to designing my final game design especially the axe in the tree.


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