
From the reading the documents and articles I have a better understanding of game design and the understanding of making them. The reading has given me an insight into not only the fundamentals that go into a video games but also the mechanics of card games, board games and how they are designed.

 The strategic game play of card games is very important and has to be thought through to make sure  cards are not too overpowered, examples of this are pokemon and yu-gi-oh. The design of these card are very influenced by the TV shows they were based of. All the cards have different rarety and artistic designs so no card is boring. The community will also try to get better cards with better styles of art and rarity. This is why design is so important because it will keep the community interested and always wanting the good cards. It also drives the communities to want them more. this is not the case with traditional card games like poker or goldfish were the game mechanics are down to luck, player skill and experience.

Pokemon TCG
Not just card games work like this, board games also go through a lot of thought with game play mechanics. chess for example is one of the oldest and most known board games of all time. the mechanics and design of the game allow for near countless of moves and strategy's the player can make. Yet idea is simple take out your opponent using the mechanics and rules of the game. its a key design trait in games and yet it can lead to a game as big as chess.(rules of chess)

Back to video games the same principles apply, the game needs a good core feature and has to have good visual and fundamental design, a game will fail if it dose not have a good design standpoint. an example of this is no mans sky. the game mechanics were broken and they did not have the promised design they showed at E3 2016 during the launch of the game.(no mans sky faults)


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